스팸메일1 [스팸메일] Pay for driving on toll road, invoice #00000109169 Notice to Appear, You have not paid for driving on a toll road. You are kindly asked to service your debt in the shortest time possible. The copy of the invoice is attached to this email. Kind regards, Dan Prince, E-ZPass Agent. 위와 같은 이메일이 받았습니다. 그리고 zip 첨부파일을 동봉한 이메일이였습니다. 검색해보니 아래와 같은 abc 뉴스 영상이 있네요. http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/zpass-toll-road-users-targeted-email-scam/story?id=33150098 또.. 2015. 12. 4. 이전 1 다음